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Football really is the beautiful game

Football is a game that draws much critisism, and for good reason. Today's game is clinical and weak, Football has lost it's character. It is for this reason I couldn't tell you the starting lineup for every Premiership team or every manager's name, however, I have never been able to.
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Thailand, Why did I have to end here?

Mission Log: Have arrived at the lovely palm garden that is the Koh Samui Airport. The final leg of my trip see's me experience a small part of Thailand and indulge in a long overdue...swim. The sea salt in my mouth triggering my gag reflex, tasted like sweet relief...and salt.

Cambodia, I think she likes me.

Mission log: We've been to both Phnom Penh and Siem Reap in Cambodia, and they feel similar yet different in equal measure.

Vietnam, rinsed 3 times in 24hrs

Mission log: Temperature...high, manners...absent, teeth...presumed missing. Each day temperatures reach 37°C and even more in Thiimy's jean shorts, but so far no burnt scalps or sore bits...only...clammy...balls.

Hong Kong, the city of Congee

Mission Log: Our time in Hong Kong see's us celebrate Chinese New Year, with fireworks, horse racing and the Symphony of Lights.

Goodbye Macau, back to Hong Kong.

We three adventurers, we livers of life, we friends decided to trek the Orient and basque in it's wonder. This is a brief mission log.